Smells that Cause Migraines
Migraines have the potential to ruin any day. The symptoms of migraines can vary from individual to individual but overall cause extreme pain and discomfort. The most traditional migraine symptoms include; throbbing pains, pulsing sensations, nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and or sound. There are also many various known causes of migraines such as hormonal changes, drinking, stress, sensory stimuli, sleeping patterns, physical factors, changes in weather, and medications.
There are several different sensory stimuli that can trigger a migraine. Research shows that sensitivity to smell has been reported in 95% of migraine patients and has been linked to triggering even worse migraine attacks:
1. Cigarette Smoke
Cigarette smoke is linked to headaches and migraines because of the nicotine. Because nicotine is a vasoactive substance it affects the size of blood vessels in the body and impacts the receptors within the brain. The odor from cigarette smoke is also known to cause irritation in individuals’ noses and throats, possibly causing allergic reactions and triggering a migraine attack.
2. Food Odors
Typically food odors do not always mean a migraine attack will come. However, those individuals experiencing frequent migraines tend to be much more sensitive to odors. This is where food odors can be extremely harmful and worsen the migraine for individuals. Because of pain receptors within the brain there are particular smells that are eliminated by food that tend to increase the activation on these receptors.
3. Perfumes
There are many individuals that have reported intolerance to smells during a migraine attack. Perfumes are often linked to migraine attacks due to their strong scent. The smell has the ability to cause swelling and dilation of a person’s blood vessels. This irritation triggers the nervous system to relay pain inside of the brain.
4. Cleaning Chemicals
Cleaning chemicals have a very strong odor. The products tend to produce common gases that can have a suffocating affect within the surrounding environment. There are even some products that produce volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, that can be extremely harmful when inhaled. This is a large reason for individuals to select more natural products whenever possible in order to avoid this toxic gas elimination.
5. Candles or Air Fresheners
Like many other aromas, candles or air fresheners can also be common triggers of migraines. They are packed full of fragrances that when eliminated into the air have the potential to negatively affect some individuals. There are some candles and air fresheners that can cause respiratory issues, nasal congestion, sneezing, and even rashes. There are several great fragrance-free options available on the market in order to protect those individuals that may be extremely sensitive to smell and assist them in avoiding a migraine attack.
Individuals experiencing migraines know just how painful and detrimental these attachments can become in daily life. It is important to understand the various triggers to a migraine attack and to try and work to find alternative products whenever possible. Know the triggers, know the alternatives, and know the solutions to a migraine attack.