Symptoms and Preventive Tips for Ovarian Cancer
As women age, they face the risk of getting ovarian cancer. The risk substantially increases after menopause as the ovaries stop making estrogen. However, there are certain risk factors that women can avoid to prevent the onset of the disease. Here is a list of preventive methods for ovarian cancer.
Oral contraception
It may sound strange, but birth control pills significantly lower the risk of contracting ovarian cancer. This is especially true for a woman carrying the BRCA gene. If women have been using contraceptives since they were young, they have a 50% less chance of getting cancer. Although these pills are not without their own side effects, if you do decide to start taking these, it is important to consult your doctor first and get their honest opinion.
There are two types of surgeries that can decrease your risk of getting ovarian cancer- tubal litigation and hysterectomy. However, these surgeries are always recommended for medical reasons, not just to lower the risk of cancer. If you plan on getting a hysterectomy and have a family history of ovarian cancer, you can consider getting both your fallopian tubes and ovaries removed. If a woman has gone through menopause, doctors sometimes suggest getting the ovaries removed along with the hysterectomy.
BRCA gene mutation
The BRCA mutation gene is a gene that is present in women and can impact the woman’s chances of getting cancer. If you have a family history of ovarian cancer, you can consider getting genetic testing done. In genetic counseling, your family history is studied, and this can aid doctors in predicting your chances of getting cancer. On the other hand, genetic testing is done to determine whether you or your family have a gene that makes you highly susceptible to ovarian cancer.
The good news is that sometimes these tests come back negative, and the knowledge that you are a low risk of getting the disease is a huge relief, and it can help you make some important decisions about your life. However, those women who do have the mutation gene can use contraceptive pills to lower their risks. Another preventive measure for ovarian cancer is to get the surgery done.
If a woman has had multiple successful full-term pregnancies, they are at a lower risk of contracting cancer.
These symptoms can indicate some abnormalities and maybe signs of developing ovarian cancer.
- Bloated abdomen
- Loss of healthy appetite
- Frequent urge to pee
- Fluctuation in the menstrual cycle
- Sudden weight loss or gain
- Pain in the pelvic area
- Bleeding before or after periods are over
- Pain in the back
These prevention methods for ovarian cancer are a must-know for every woman. So, if you feel like you may be at risk, consult with your doctor at the earliest.