Natural Remedies for Dry Eyes
A case of dry eyes can be very irritating. It causes a lot of itching, scratchiness, and you are instantly inclined to rub your eyes till they are red. However, before you decide to invest in an over-the-counter (OTC) eye drop, here are some natural products for dry eyes, which will help you get rid of the issue without causing any side-effects.
Vitamin B12, A, and D
While Vitamin A and B12 are essential for good eye health, a lack of Vitamin D has been reported to cause dry eyes. You should include food items in your diet that are rich in all these forms of vitamin, like vitamin C, vitamin E, riboflavin, lutein, thiamine, and zeaxanthin. Some examples include milk and milk-related products, breakfast cereals, spinach, red and green peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, tomato, and winter squash, among others. etc.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil, especially virgin coconut oil is one of the best natural products for dry eyes that you can use. It has anti-fungal, antibacterial, anti-parasitic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. Coconut leads to reduced evaporation, as it creates a protective layer over the tear film layers. There is no harm in the application of virgin coconut oil over closed eyelids. You must soak a cotton cloth or ball in coconut oil and place it for a while over closed eyelids for best results.
Gentle cleanser to wash eyelids
One of the reasons why you are having dry eyes is because your eyelids are not clean. You can purchase several natural eyelid cleansers to clean them. You can even use a baby shampoo. Rub a very small amount of baby shampoo or any natural eyelid cleanser on your fingertips till you are able to generate froth. Now, close your eyes and massage the base of the eyelids using the soap specifically right by your eyelashes. With your eyes closed, rinse your eyes using warm water.
Use cucumbers, potato slices, and milk
Cucumbers, milk, and potato slices are the best natural products for dry eyes. These are easily available at home and, surprisingly, these natural products can help you get rid of the condition in no time at all. You can refrigerate a few slices of potatoes or cucumber in the refrigerator and place them on your eyelids for a while. These can help in alleviating any irritation and puffiness caused by dry eyes. Apart from these, you can even try using cold raw milk and apply a compression on each of your eyelids for at least 15 minutes.
Dry eyes could be a result of various different factors. It could be that the environment in which you are living is very dusty or windy. It could also, most likely, be that you spend a lot of time on your computer or your smartphone screens. Natural products for dry eyes can help you combat such instances with utmost efficiency.