Foods to Eat and Avoid for Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative Colitis is a chronic health condition that results in a swollen large intestine and rectum. The inflammation is caused by irritation in the intestine lining, making it develop ulcers that bleed and have pus. Some colitis symptoms include constant bloody diarrhea, stomachaches, fatigue, and swollen skin. Being careful about your diet, and avoiding the following foods, will help you fight irritable bowel diseases, such as colitis and Crohn’s disease:
1. Milk productsÂ
Any products made with dairy contain lactose that can be difficult to digest if you have Ulcerative Colitis. Additionally, regular milk products contain sugars like disaccharides and oligosaccharides that can be difficult to digest by people with Colitis. If you have Ulcerative Colitis, taking milk products like whole milk, soft cheese, and cream can cause bloating and diarrhea. In order to incorporate calcium into your diet, you can take lactose-free milk protein shakes and smoothies.
2. Coffee and caffeine
Taking caffeine-related products is not recommended when you have Ulcerative Colitis because of their nature to speed up digestion. The stimulation of the intestines can cause irritation and the development of ulcers, triggering Ulcerative Colitis. As it is important to stay hydrated because of frequent diarrhea associated with Colitis, you can take mild drinks like water and green tea.
3. Butter and margarine
This food category contains a large amount of fat and grease that is inappropriate for a person with Colitis. If you have Colitis, you have a sensitive digestive tract that may be unable to digest fat properly. Partially absorbed and undigested fat may cause discomfort in your tummy and lead to intense diarrhea. Instead, you can take cheeses with less lactose like gouda, swiss, and cheddar to provide your body with calories without triggering Colitis.
4. Corn
Taking whole grain products like maize can trigger Colitis. Maize is rich in fiber and contains germ and bran that can irritate your intestines and cause inflammation. Other whole-grain foods that are not recommended if you have Ulcerative Colitis are oats, brown rice, and buckwheat. You can take fruits and vegetables with low amounts of fiber, like bananas, melons, grapes, and asparagus. Also, eating eggs, skinless chicken, salmon, and white rice can reduce inflammation as they are gentle to your digestive tract.
5. Carbonated drinks
Sodas, energy drinks, and other fizzy drinks contain a lot of gas, and it is not advisable to take them if you have Ulcerative Colitis. The excess gas in these drinks leaves you bloated, which triggers ulcers in the colon and leads to diarrhea. Additionally, these drinks have extra sugars and sweeteners that are hard to digest if you have Colitis. Reducing sugar intake in your drinks and consuming sweet fruits like peaches will reduce the flare-ups.
If you have colitis, tracking what you eat and how each food makes you feel will give you insight on what to include in your diet. Since the same diet does not work for all people with colitis, consulting with your doctor will safely help you navigate and explore what is right for you. The above list guides you on what not to take and recommended solutions for colitis.