Human Foods That Can Make Dogs Sick
Who does not love pampering their furry little friends with treats? Dogs’ digestive systems work differently than the human digestive system, which means foods that are nutritious for us could be poisonous to our pooches. So, here’s a list of foods that are dangerous for dogs and should be strictly kept out of their food bowls. Plus, you’re advised to consult a vet immediately if your dog starts feeling uneasy and exhibits symptoms of food poisoning.
Macadamia nuts
Steer clear of macadamia nuts while feeding your pooch as they can make a dog sick and lead to symptoms like weakness in the back legs, high temperature, muscle shakes, and even vomiting in some cases.
Salty foods
Salty foods like popcorn and chips can be dangerous for canines. Dogs can experience sodium ion poisoning, which can cause symptoms like high body temperature, vomiting, and diarrhea if they ingest salty foods. It can also result in life-threatening symptoms like seizures, so be mindful of the amount of salt in your dog’s food.
This is one of the top foods that are dangerous for dogs. Avocados contain a compound called persin, a fungicidal toxin that is harmless to people who’re not allergic to avocados. The compound is present in the fruit’s bark, seed, and leaves, and it can result in symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea if ingested by dogs. The seeds can get stuck in their stomach or intestines and can make it worse.
Dogs’ digestive systems are unable to process dairy products like cheese, and they lack the enzyme to process dairy products. Consequently, the high amount of fat content in some dairy products can cause them to vomit or develop gastrointestinal diseases, and it can also result in pancreatitis.
Bacon and ham, just like dairy, contain high amounts of salt and fats, which can cause pancreatitis in dogs. It can also lead to an upset stomach and cause dogs to drink too much water, leading to a bloated stomach. So, it is highly recommended to include lean meats in your dog’s diet.
One of the most dangerous foods for dogs, chocolates are made from cocoa that contains both caffeine and theobromine. These compounds are toxic to a dog’s digestive system. Upon ingestion, dogs might exhibit symptoms like diarrhea, abnormal discomfort, arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), high body temperature, and even vomiting and seizures in severe cases. Dark chocolate is even more toxic as it contains a higher concentration of cocoa.
Baked goods
It is recommended to avoid feeding dogs baked goods because they contain artificial sweeteners. One such artificial sweetener is xylitol, which can cause an insulin surge in their bodies. This can result in a drop in blood sugar levels, leading to symptoms like lethargy, loss of coordination, and even seizures in some cases.