5 Human Foods to Never Share With Cats
Cats are one of our favorite family members. So, it becomes necessary to make sure they get the best nutrition. But some people feed them human food presuming it is not only tasty but also nutritious, which can become problematic. Statistics suggest that most pets suffer from food poisoning due to eating such food. Here are five human foods that you should not feed your cat:
This is one of the top human foods that should not be fed to cats. Cocoa contains caffeine and theobromine, which can disrupt a cat’s digestive system. Ingestion of these compounds can result in symptoms like diarrhea, abnormal discomfort, irregular heartbeat, high body temperature, and even vomiting and seizures in severe cases. According to vets, darker the chocolate, more the toxic it is for cats.
Artificial Sweeteners
They are specifically made for humans, so you shouldn’t feed your cat foods with these artificial sweeteners. Candies, baked goods, chewable vitamins, certain kinds of toothpaste, and even cough drops contain such flavor enhancers. Ingestion of artificial sweeteners can cause a massive drop in blood sugar levels and even liver damage in cats. Dogs can also exhibit other symptoms such as vomiting, loss of coordination, and, in some cases, seizures. So, make sure to keep all those food products with artificial sweeteners out of the reach of your little cat and contact a vet immediately if they ingest some accidentally.
These berry-like fruits may not be poisonous to all breeds. But some cases have been reported cats experiencing kidney failure due to grapes. So, it is recommended to steer them clear of the fruit. Ingestion of grapes can lead to lethargy, diarrhea, dehydration, and fluctuation in urination. If not treated on time, these symptoms can lead to kidney failure. Hence, early veterinary intervention is necessary in this case.
Raw Dough
Raw bread dough contains small amounts of alcohol, which can be dangerous for your furry little friend. Ingestion of alcohol can lead to intoxication and subsequent vomiting, disorientation, restlessness, muscle tremors, excessive panting, and seizures. Sever can also result in organ failure. The yeast present in the raw bread dough can cause difficulty breathing, stomach expansion, and even tissue damage.
Onions and Garlic
Shallot, scallions, chives, and garlic are great taste enhancers but can be toxic for cats. These contain compounds that can cause anemia, gastroenteritis, and other blood disorders in cats. Garlic is a human food that is especially considered five times toxic than onions for cats. Garlic poisoning may not be visible for several dogs until the dog starts showing symptoms like weakness, lethargy, orange to dark red-tinged urine.