5 Dietary Tips for High Cholesterol
Cholesterol is one of the leading causes of heart conditions across the world. But, not all cholesterol is bad. There are two types of cholesterol – LDL and HDL. When LDL cholesterol increases in the body, the individual needs to start taking medication and following certain dietary changes that help lower the level of LDL cholesterol in the body. So, here are some dietary tips for those who suffer from high cholesterol.
Lead a healthy lifestyle
Once diagnosed with high levels of LDL cholesterol, it is best to follow a lifestyle that benefits the overall health of the individual concerned. Leading a healthy lifestyle does not just mean following a clean and healthy diet, it also involves following a decent exercise routine, paying attention to foods with cholesterol, and limiting the intake of alcohol and tobacco consumption.
Keep an eye on the cholesterol
Of course, the first thing that comes to mind when aiding the process of limiting cholesterol in the body is paying attention to and limiting the foods that contain high levels of cholesterol. While HDL cholesterol is good for the body, LDL cholesterol is not. LDL cholesterol is found only in other animals. So, the quickest way to avoid it would be to avoid eating foods of animal origin. This includes pretty much all animal products such as meat, dairy, and other dairy products.
Don’t forget the soluble fibers
When it comes to the diet, soluble fibers are essential when it comes to managing cholesterol as they aid in the prevention of absorption of cholesterol in the gut. Foods that are high in soluble fibers include whole grains such as wheat, oatmeal, and even bran. Other foods include fruits and legumes.
Pass the salt
Cholesterol can often lead to complications in the heart and cause a variety of heart diseases. This is why it is essential to ensure that other possible causes of heart conditions are eliminated or limited. One such cause is salt. While restricting your salt intake may not have any direct effect on cholesterol, it can help reduce your blood pressure. You can instead try foods that have no or low salt levels.
Fatty fish for the omega-3
Fish such as salmon have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids that have scores of health benefits. One of these benefits includes increasing the level of HDL cholesterol in the human body. They also help protect the heart from damage that can be caused due to inflammation or even help reduce the formation of blood clots in the body. Fish that have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, tuna, and even mackerel. Individuals should consume fish at least once a week.