Health Conditions That can be Treated with Cosmetic Surgery
Plastic surgeries are surgical procedures that are done to reconstruct any defect on the face or the body. These defects can be caused by birth disorders, diseases, traumas, or burns. Since it is reconstructive, plastic surgery is also used to correct any dysfunctionalities in any area of the body also.
Let’s learn about some plastic surgeries for specific health conditions here.
Plastic Surgery for Cleft Lip and Palate
These two birth defects are most commonly detected among children in parts of the country and all over the globe. The condition arises when the formation of the upper part of the lip, known as cleft lip, or the mouth roof, known as cleft palate, remains incomplete. Both the conditions can occur individually as well as simultaneously. These conditions need to be treated surgically and the procedures are some of the plastic surgeries for specific health conditions. For example, lip repair surgery will be required for the conditions when the child is about three months old. Another surgery, the palate repair surgery, is done to treat the conditions when the child is between 6 and 12 months of age.
Plastic Surgery for Craniosynostosis
In this condition, sutures, i.e., joints between skull bones, start fusing too early is known as craniosynostosis. When the condition occurs before or at the time of birth, it can lead to abnormalities in the shape of the head. In some cases, it can also limit the brain growth and create increased pressure in the skull. The treatment for this condition involves a surgery that focuses on correcting the abnormalities in the shape of the head and allowing the growth of the brain normally. The surgery is usually done before the child turns two. However, not all patients of craniosynostosis are found to be a suitable candidate for the corrective procedure.
Plastic Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome patients experience numbness, weakness, or a tingling sensation in the hand. The condition is caused when there is pressure on the median nerve, wihch is the nerve running through the arm and going through the passage in the wrist known as carpal tunnel. The surgery for this condition uses an endoscopic as well as an open approach. In the endoscopic approach, a plastic surgeon performs the procedure by accessing the carpal tunnel with the help of a camera and a scope. A small incision is made in the wrist crease to access the nerve. A minor incision is made, so recovery is quick and less painful. In case an open approach is adopted to perform the surgery, a larger incision is made in the base of the hand palm. This is done to access and check the transverse carpal ligament. In order to pick the best approach for you, please consult your plastic surgeon.