Top 9 Cancer Causing Foods
According to the American Cancer Society, 15.5 million people in the United States have cancer. Cancer is a general term used to describe diseases caused by uncontrolled growth and cell division. However, this depends on the type of cancer. Some cancers cause uncontrolled rapid cell growth while other cells grow and divide at a much slower rate. Moreover, some types of cancer cause visible growths known as tumors. In cases such as blood cancer (leukemia), tumors are not visible. In many cases, doctors will prescribe medications like inlyta, zepzelca, relugolix, imfinzi, erleada, xtandi, avastin, kyprolis, and tukysa to help.
There are more than a hundred types of cancers, as reported by the National Cancer Institute. The common types include kidney, bladder, endometrial, colon, liver, pancreatic, thyroid, leukemia, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Cancer is mainly caused by lifestyle choices such as excessive alcohol consumption, cancer risk foods, and excess body weight. The following are some cancer risk foods that you should avoid:
1. Salted fish
Salted fish contains nitrates that are used as preservative agents to increase the fish’s shell lives. Nitrates are popularly known to cause several types of cancers. When nitrates are used in minimal quantities, they have minimal effects. However, cumulative uses of nitrates are toxic to body cells, causing cancer.
2. Processed meat
Eating lots of such meat increases the risk of bowel cancer. Processed meat products such as ham, bacon, sausages, and salami are preserved with harmful chemicals to body cells. Chemicals such as nitrates and nitrites are the main preservatives in manufactured meat. These chemicals can easily be converted into cancer-causing agents when ingested.
3. Alcohol
Alcoholic products contain ethanol, a by-product of acetaldehyde, known to damage cells and DNA, causing cells to replicate wrongly. Moreover, alcoholic products contain chemicals that influence hormone levels, thus affecting how cells grow and divide.
4. Red meat
Red meat is mostly associated with colon cancer. Although there is no clear study on the impact of meat on cancer, several studies have associated it with cancer. There is a red pigment known as haem found in meat that damages the cells, increasing cancer risk.
5. Sugary drinks
Refined sugars are a major culprit in causing cancer. Ingesting sugary drinks spike insulin levels known to feed the growth of cancerous cells and tumors. The growth of cancerous cells leads to the invasion of healthy cells, thus compromising the immune systems.
6. Fast food
Processed foods are associated with a product known as bisphenol A (BPA, linked to damaged brain cells. Moreover, the component is known to increase the risk of breast and prostate cancer.
7. Soda and carbonated beverages
Soda and certain carbonated drinks contain high fructose, which increases the risks of cancer. Continued consumption of these products increases the risks of developing cancer.
Genetic Modified Foods (GMOs). GMOs are associated with risk factors that could lead to cancer. Experts indicate that it is always critical to buy GMO-free foods.
8. Refined white flour
According to a study published by the Journal Cancer Epidemiology, refined flours are associated with most breast cancers.
9. Hydrogenated oils
Hydrogenated oils are mostly used as preservatives for preserved foods. It is critical to note that hydrogenated oils affect cell membrane flexibility, which is a risk factor for cancer.
Normal body cells have defined roles and life span. New cells are formed while old ones are eliminated to ensure effective functioning. Cancerous cells lack the ability to eliminate old cells and relay information to stop cell division. As a result, cells pile up, limiting nutrients and oxygen to the healthy cells, thus lowering the immune systems. In many cases, cancerous cells pile up and form tumors.