Schizophrenia – Foods to Eat and Avoid
Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder that causes symptoms like hallucinations, delusions, trouble concentrating. The rarity of the disease can be gauged from the fact that there is less than one percent of people in the country who suffer from schizophrenia. The mental disorder is usually treated by combining medications and lifestyle changes. Moreover, lifestyle changes can be in the form of dietary changes. Here are certain foods that should be eaten and avoided to manage schizophrenia efficiently.
Avoid bread
It is one of the top foods to avoid for schizophrenia. This is because doctors believe that increased sensitivity to wheat can result in schizophrenic symptoms. This happens due to the gluten present in the grains. Gluten is a type of protein that binds the grain together. Hence, it is recommended to avoid bread and switch to a gluten-free diet to efficiently manage schizophrenia symptoms.
Opt for foods with natural sugars
Natural sugars can be derived from fruits. Doctors and dieticians suggest that schizophrenic patients do not get enough natural sugars and fiber. So, fruits such as apples, pears, and raspberries can provide the same. These fruits also help in lowering bad cholesterol, which is usually associated with schizophrenia. Other health problems that are linked with this disease include diabetes, heart disease, and even obesity.
Avoid refined sugars
This is yet another food trigger that should be avoided for schizophrenia. It has been observed that including refined or artificial sugars present in baked goods like pastries, cakes, and cookies can cause massive fluctuations in the blood sugar levels. This can be counterproductive for schizophrenic patients.
Eat non-dairy yogurt
Our gut has a swamp of good bacteria that aids in proper digestion and processing of food. However, lack of this microbiome can aggravate schizophrenia. Hence it is recommended to increase probiotics like non-dairy yogurt to improve gut health and keep schizophrenia symptoms at bay.
Avoid processed foods
Processed food such as chips and other packed foods have high amounts of omega-6 fatty acids and little to no omega-3 fatty acids. While the body needs a balanced ratio of both, a decreased proportion of omega-3 fatty acids can increase the risk of suffering from mental disorders such as psychosis or schizophrenia.
Consume leafy vegetables
Dark leafy greens like spinach and kale are rich in folate. The nutrient is also called folic acid and can also be consumed as a supplement. Folate can decrease the risk of suffering from schizophrenia. Folate can also be found in peas, asparagus, black-eyed peas, and beef liver.
Ditch synthetic health foods
Synthetic health foods such as juices and granola bars have artificial sugars that can aggravate schizophrenia symptoms. Similarly, salad dressings can also increase the risk of suffering from mental health conditions.
In conclusion, it is important to evaluate the diet and consult doctors before making changes in the same.