Effective Dietary Tips to Help Manage COPD

Effective Dietary Tips to Help Manage COPD

Chronic obstructive lung disorder or COPD makes breathing difficult as there’s an obstruction in airflow to the lungs. Living with COPD can be quite difficult. However, following a healthy and balanced diet can be quite effective in managing the condition. This is because a person’s body weight plays a key role. Obesity can strain the lungs and heart, aggravating COPD symptoms. Eating certain foods while eliminating others can help in the maintenance of a healthy weight, which in turn alleviates COPD symptoms.
Following are simple dietary tips that’ll help curb COPD symptoms.

Check your calorie intake
This is one of the most important dietary tips for COPD patients. According to the American Lung Association, people with COPD are recommended to keep a watch on their weight. Those who are overweight must eat fewer calories to shed off the extra weight. However, refrain from limiting calorie consumption so much that it leads to weakness, hunger, and fatigue. Starving is not recommended at all. Consult a dietitian to understand one’s healthy weight figure, and know which foods to eat to help maintain that weight. Many apps and tools are also available that can help one watch their daily dietary calorie intake.

Stay hydrated throughout the day
Since COPD causes frequent coughing, drinking water could be helpful to keep the mucus thin. This makes it easier to cough out. Drinking plenty of fluids can help to avoid the thickening of mucus. Six to eight glasses (eight ounces per glass) of fluids is recommended for each day. Unsweetened and flavored water and fruit juices are good options. Keep away from caffeinated and carbonated beverages such as coffee, soda, and tea. These can interfere with COPD medications. Also, those with heart problems along with COPD may need to watch their fluid intake. Make sure to consult a physician to know about safe fluid intake limits.

Eat complex carbohydrates and fiber
Controlling cholesterol levels can help to watch one’s weight. This can be done by eating fiber-rich foods, which contain complex carbohydrates. This improves digestive health and keeps blood sugar in check. Whole grains such as barley, oats, bran, and quinoa are a must-have in a COPD diet. Additionally, one can include peas, potatoes with skin, lentils, and beans as daily complex carbohydrate sources in one’s meals. It is recommended to have about 20-35 grams of fiber every day.

Keep away from salt
A high amount of sodium or salt in a diet can lead to water retention. This can trigger COPD symptoms. It may make it difficult to breathe. Hence, considering this dietary tip for COPD is essential. It is recommended to use minimal to zero salt in cooking. Unsalted spices and herbs are a good way to add flavor to food. Keep away from the salt shaker on the table. Be sure to check the labels of packaged food to see the percentage of sodium content. Consult a physician or dietitian to know about the use of low-sodium substitutes for salt.

Load up on proteins
Many people with COPD have to undergo a pulmonary rehabilitation plan. This plan comprises a number of exercises. To have enough stamina and energy for these exercises, substantial protein intake is essential. Pastured poultry, grass-fed meat, and eggs help to meet daily dietary protein requirements. Additionally, sardines, salmon, mackerel, and other oily fish makes for healthy protein sources as well.